About CUSCS and Facilities
What is CUSCS?

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) established the Department of Extramural Studies in 1965. It was renamed the School of Continuing Studies (SCS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1994 and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (CUSCS) in 2006. Bearing the mission of providing quality continuing professional education and services to meet the changing needs of society, the School offers a diverse range of courses and programmes at different levels, including award-bearing programmes, short courses, distance learning courses and corporate training services.

In order to support the HKSAR Government to develop higher education and post-secondary education, CUSCS has been offering Higher Diploma (HD) programmes for secondary school leavers as an alternative pathway to pursue higher education and professional development since 2002. With the implementation of the new 3-3-4 academic structure, the School introduced the tailored 2-year Higher Diploma Programmes to cater for the learning needs of Secondary 6 graduates of the new academic structure, Secondary 7 graduates of the old academic structure and students who have completed Pre-Associate Degree Programmes, Diploma Yi Jin Programme, Diploma of Applied Education or are aged 21 or above. In addition, Three one-year full-time Diploma Programmes, namely Diploma Programme in Foundation Studies , Diploma Programme in Community Care and Diploma Programme in Children Play and Expressive Arts, are offered to enable DSE graduates to have additional pathways towards tertiary education or develop their career in a profession. 

What facilities and services are available for Higher Diploma students?

Our learning centres are equipped with first-rate facilities, including computer and language laboratories, lecture theatres, resource rooms, Language Learning Enhancement Centre (LLEC), Social Work Skills Laboratory and Clinical Simulation Centre etc. Students can also use all libraries and e-resources of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Moreover, the "InternVision" Platform is provided for students to familiarise themselves with the working environment before starting internships. In addition, the Student Counselling and Development Service provides counselling support to students on personal growth, further studies or career development to promote comprehensive development of students.

Where are the learning centres?

There are four major learning centres for HD students:

Central Learning Centre
Unit A, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central
Tsim Sha Tsui Oriental Learning Centre
8/F, 13/F, 14/F & 17/F, Oriental Centre, 67 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui
Tsim Sha Tsui East Ocean Learning Centre
Room 300A, 308 & Unit 01, Basement 1, East Ocean Centre, 98 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Tseung Kwan O Learning Centre
Tsui Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O
What is Sub-degree?

Sub-degree is a collective term of post-secondary qualifications. It includes Higher Diploma and Associate Degree, both of which are at Level 4 under the 7-level Qualifications Framework.

What are the differences between Higher Diploma and Associate Degree programmes?

Both Higher Diploma and Associate Degree programmes equip students with generic skills, practical vocational skills as well as knowledge in specialised disciplines. In general, Higher Diploma programmes are more vocation-oriented while Associate Degree programmes put more emphasis on general education. Upon completion of Higher Diploma programmes, graduates will have acquired knowledge and skills necessary to further study in universities or pursue career in professions.

Curriculum, Programme Structure and Assessment
Are CUSCS Higher Diploma Programmes recognised by society?

All of the Higher Diploma programmes are approved by the Senate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the academic awards are also conferred by the University. They are well recognised by the HKSAR Government.

What are the Higher Diploma programmes on offer?

The programmes we are offering span across different professional disciplines including Management & Communication, Multimedia & Information Technology, Professional Communication & Translation, and Health & Social Services. 

How should student choose Higher Diploma programmes?

When choosing Higher Diploma programmes, students should approach the institutions for details of the course contents, the subjects offered and their articulation arrangements with other universities, etc. For professional programmes, it is important to know whether the programmes are recognised by local or overseas professional bodies and the extent of exemption from professional examinations. In short, students should make detailed enquiries and comparisons before they decide which programme to enroll in.

What are the extra-curricular activities in CUSCS?

To provide students with all-around learning experiences, CUSCS organises a wide variety of activities. Through the activities, students can fully explore their potentials and creativity to achieve whole-person development. We also encourage students to establish societies to organise meaningful activities so as to elevate learning interest and self-motivation. Various student societies have been set up, such as the Student Association, Mine-craft Society and Sports Society.

The "CUSCS Student Ambassador Scheme" was launched with the aims to serve the community and cultivate students' sense of mission and responsibility. In collaboration with corporations and organisations, CUSCS organises a wide range of activities to broaden students' horizons, such as exchange programmes, corporate visits, volunteer services, leadership training, sports activities, singing contests, etc, for students to enjoy a fruitful school life. Besides, CUSCS Alumni Association has been established to strengthen the bonding between graduates and students. Alumni's sharing on their experiences in work and life will definitely shed light on students' future study and career goals.

From November 2014, the School's first industrial mentorship programme is also available for higher diploma students. Coming from different industries, the mentors not only share their professional knowledge with the students but also offer them advices on personal development. Students can also expand their horizons and improve their social skills through this meaningful programme.

Application & Admissions
What are the admission requirements of Higher Diploma programmes?

 Applicants should fulfil any one of the following requirements:

  • Level 2 in five subjects* in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination including Chinese Language# and English Language, or equivalent; or
  • Pass in one A Level or two AS Level subjects, plus five passes in HKCEE including Level 2/ Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language, or equivalent; or
  • Satisfactory completion of the Diploma Yi Jin or Diploma of Applied Education Programme; or
  • Aged 21 or above
If one of the five subjects is 'Citizenship and Social Development', the admission requirement will be "Attained" for 'Citizenship and Social Development' and Level 2 in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language.

A maximum of two Applied Learning subjects, excluding Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)), can be used in the application. "Attained", "Attained with Distinction (I)" and "Attained with Distinction (II)" Level in Applied Learning subjects will be considered as equivalent to Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 in HKDSE subjects respectively.

Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)) will be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification for admission consideration for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) DSE candidates.
Note: The admission requirement varies from programme to programme and applicants should refer to the admission requirements of individual programme for details. Interview is required.

11.If I can't meet the entry requirements of the School's Higher Diploma programmes, what should I do?

The School offers the Diploma Programme in Foundation Studies (DFS)Diploma Programme in Community Care (DCC) and Diploma Programme in Children Play and Expressive Arts (DCE)  for those who have completed the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) with at least 6 points in the best 5 subjects plus Level 1 or above in English Language and Chinese Language, or equivalent qualification. You can apply for these Diploma Programmes, which upon successful completion will articulate you to our School's Higher Diploma Programmes.

Current HKDSE candidates will be given conditional offers of DFS , DCC and DCE* if they are given conditional offers for our Higher Diploma Programmes.

Is there any joint application arrangement for Higher Diploma programmes?

Yes. E-APP is an internet-based system developed by the Education Bureau for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) candidates of the current year to lodge advance applications for locally-accredited sub-degree and bachelor degree programmes not covered by the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) before announcement of public examination results. It provides an alternative application platform to supplement those currently offered by individual institutions.

Application Period:  5 December 2024 - 20 May 2025 and 23 May 2025 - 7 July 2025

Is it necessary to apply again via the Internet or enrollment centres after application through E-APP?

No. When the application via E-APP is received, the School will notify the applicants via email regarding the details and payment method (Enrollment fee can be paid online or via enrollment centres. Cheque / Credit card / EPS / Bank-in-slip payment is accepted*. ).

*Remarks: Cash payment is NOT accepted in enrollment centres.

When will the application result be announced?

Students sitting for the HKDSE examination can apply for the School's Higher Diploma programmes via E-APP. Students will be notified of the application results by email and SMS earliest in the morning on the exam result announcement day.

15.In addition to the enrollment form, what other documents do I need to submit? (Applicable to applicants graduated in previous years)

In addition to the enrollment form, applicants should also submit an identity proof, copies of academic / employment certificates and the enrollment fee to any enrollment centres of the School, or by post to "School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK, 13/F, Oriental Centre, 67 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui", specifying "Programme Application".

Will CUSCS accept applications of non-local students?

We welcome students from mainland China, Macau, Taiwan and overseas.
For students from mainland China:

  • Applicants who have successfully completed senior secondary 3 with satisfactory examination results of Joint Entrance Examination, PRC, and reached 60% of the full score in the English Language subject of the province/city they belong to; OR
  • Any other equivalent qualifications; AND
  • Passed the admission interview arranged by CUSCS*

*Applicants may also be required to pass an English/Chinese language test arranged by CUSCS

For enquiry about admission requirement, applicants from Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan please call (852)2209 0275 or send email to scs-registry@cuhk.edu.hk.

Applicants from other countries should contact The Registry at (852) 2209 0275 or email scs-registry@cuhk.edu.hk.

An interview or telephone interview will be arranged for the applicants who may also be required to sit an English/Chinese language test.   Upon confirmation of offer, applicants may be required to enrol in and pass a remedial language course organised by CUSCS.

Individual programmes may have specific admission requirements. Applicants should refer to the admission requirements of individual programmes.

Note: CUSCS reserves the right to accept or reject an application.

Is there any accommodation arrangement for non-local students? Will CUSCS help non-local students apply for visa?

Students can rent a property through estate agents. The rent for a two-bedroom flat in Hong Kong is approximately HK$17,000 per month. Upon student's receipt of the acceptance letter issued by the School and the settlement of the first semester's tuition fee, the School will arrange student visa application with the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

Is there any special requirement for applicants who own overseas qualifications or aged 21 (or above)?

It depends. Please submit the enrollment form along with academic proofs and employment certificates. The School will verify the materials submitted and arrange interview or written test for the applicants if necessary.

Tuition and Student Financial Assistance
How much is the tuition fee of a Self-financed Higher Diploma Programme in Hong Kong? Is there any subsidy by the government?

For tuition fee of each Higher Diploma Programme, please visit iPASS website (www.ipass.gov.hk).

The government provides a number of subsidizations for qualified students, including the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP), Low-interest Loans, Non-means-tested Loans and Travel Subsidy. For details, please visit our website or refer to Student Finance Office (Telephone: 2152 9000, Website: www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/).

When should the tuition fee be paid?

For accepted students notified by email or SMS messages, please visit one of the enrollment centres in person to pay the tuition fee within the designated period. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the placement.

Are there any scholarships or grants?

Yes. There are a number of scholarships and grants schemes available for application. Apart from entrance scholarship, CUSCS offers scholarships to students who achieve outstanding academic performance and sponsors students to join overseas internship scheme. For details, please refer to related leaflets or visit our website.

The School will also nominate students with outstanding performance for Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme set up by the government.

Is the tuition fee refundable?

Fees paid are not refundable unless the enrolled programme is full or cancelled regardless of whether students have attended classes or not.

If applicants have accepted an offer from JUPAS for (i) a full-time UGC-funded1 undergraduate programme (programmes offered by HKMU are not UGC-funded), or (ii) an undergraduate programme subsidised under SSSDP2, they are required to submit the applications for refund of registration fee to the School before the deadlines Please refer to Local Applicants' Tuition Fee & Payment Methods for details.


1 UGC-funded programmes, i.e. University Grants Committee-funded programmes, for the 2025/26 academic year are provided by the following institutions: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong. Programmes offered by Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), including those that can be applied through Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS), and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) are not UGC-funded programmes.

2 SSSDP, i.e. Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors was introduced starting from the 2015/16 academic year, refund application is restricted to applicants who have accepted a first-year-first-degree programme offer. Eligible programmes are listed on SSSDP website: www.cspe.edu.hk/sssdp.

Progression Path
What are the pathways and career prospects for Higher Diploma programme graduates?

The qualification of Higher Diploma is general considered equal to that of Associate Degree. Graduates can articulate to UGC-funded or self-funded degree programmes in local universities, overseas degree programmes, or Top-up Degree programmes in Hong Kong. CUSCS has established various articulation arrangements with various overseas institutions. Graduates can articulate to bachelor degree programmes in related disciplines and complete these programmes within 1 to 2 years. 

Since Higher Diploma programmes are more career-oriented, graduates are equipped with related expertise and technique that well prepare them to work in different business and professional fields. They can also apply for Civil Service or Non-civil Service posts with entry requirement at Higher Diploma level.

Please click here for details about our graduates' study prospects.

Local Applicants and Non-local Applicants
For local applicants, what are the arrangement regarding course changes, refund policy and personal data collection statement?
Course Changes

The School reserves the right to cancel a programme if enrolment is insufficient and make alterations regarding lecturers, class schedules, class locations and the course content if necessary.

Refund Policy

Fees paid are not refundable unless the enrolled programme is full or cancelled regardless of whether students have attended classes or not.

If applicants have accepted an offer from JUPAS for (i) a full-time UGC-funded1 undergraduate programme (programmes offered by HKMU are not UGC-funded), or (ii) an undergraduate programme subsidised under SSSDP2, they are required to submit the applications for refund of registration fee to the School before the deadlines. Please refer to Local Applicants' Tuition Fee & Payment Methods for details.


1 UGC-funded programmes, i.e. University Grants Committee-funded programmes, for the 2024/25 academic year are provided by the following institutions: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong. Programmes offered by Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), including those that can be applied through Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS), and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) are not UGC-funded programmes.

2 SSSDP, i.e. Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors was introduced starting from the 2015/16 academic year, refund application is restricted to applicants who have accepted a first-year-first-degree programme offer. Eligible programmes are listed on SSSDP website: www.cspe.edu.hk/sssdp.

Personal Data Collection Statement
  1. The personal data provided in enrolment form will be used by the School for purposes related to the processing of enrolment and student administration. Personal data of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed.
  2. The personal data provided in enrolment form will be used by the School for delivering information including any events and functions to be held, courses to be organised, discount, benefit and service offers, solicitation of donations and other alumni affairs related activities. This personal data will not be transferred to other external parties for purposes as stated above, except commissioned research consultants and agencies for marketing activities as stated above.
  3. Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to, and to request the correction of, their personal data. Applicants wishing to amend their data should submit written requests to the School by using Personal Data Amendment Forms which can be downloaded from the School's website.

For non-local applicants, what are the arrangement regarding student visa application, entry into HKSAR, accommodation & medical care, course changes, refund policy and personal data collection statement?
Student Visa Application

After the applicant receives a programme acceptance letter issued by CUSCS and pays the first installment of tuition fee, CUSCS will assist the applicant in applying for a student visa through the Hong Kong Immigration Department (www.immd.gov.hk). Guidelines and application forms will be provided with the programme acceptance letter.

Entry into HKSAR
  • Students from mainland China: CUSCS will forward the 'Entry Permit' labels issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR to the students. With the 'Entry Permit' labels, students should apply for the 'Exit-entry Permit for Travellers To and From Hong Kong & Macau' at respective government departments in mainland China. Students should then attach the 'Entry Permit' labels to the 'Exit-entry Permit for Travellers To and From Hong Kong & Macau' to enter Hong Kong.
  • Students from Taiwan: CUSCS will forward the 'Single Entry Permit' issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR to the students for them to enter Hong Kong.
  • Students from Macau and other overseas countries: CUSCS will forward the 'Visa / Entry Permit' labels issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR to the students. Students should attach the 'Visa / Entry Permit' labels to their 'Visit Permit for Residents of Macau SAR to HKSAR' or their passports to enter Hong Kong.

Students can rent a property through estate agents. The rent for a two-bedroom flat in Hong Kong is approximately HK$17,000 per month.

Medical Care

Students holding a valid temporary Hong Kong Identity Card are entitled to public health care services at the same rates as local Hong Kong residents. Mainland students should apply for a temporary Hong Kong Identity Card within 30 days from the day of entry.

Course Changes

The School reserves the right to cancel a programme if enrolment is insufficient and make alterations regarding lecturers, class schedules, class locations and the course content if necessary.

Refund Policy

Fees paid are not refundable unless the enrolled programme is full or cancelled regardless of whether students have attended classes or not.

Personal Data Collection Statement
  1. The personal data provided in enrolment form will be used by the School for purposes related to the processing of enrolment and student administration. Personal data of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed.
  2. The personal data provided in enrolment form will be used by the School for delivering information including any events and functions to be held, courses to be organised, discount, benefit and service offers, solicitation of donations and other alumni affairs related activities. This personal data will not be transferred to other external parties for purposes as stated above, except commissioned research consultants and agencies for marketing activities as stated above.
  3. Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request access to, and to request the correction of, their personal data. Applicants wishing to amend their data should submit written requests to the School by using Personal Data Amendment Forms which can be downloaded from the School's website.