2209 7799
  • Equip students with academic and professional knowledge and skills required for pursuing degree studies in nursing or health science, and a career in the health services industry
  • A nicely balanced curriculum with foci on academic concepts, professional knowledge and practical applications
  • Provide 200 hours of clinical practicum for students to apply nursing and health related knowledge and skills in a clinical setting
 This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4).
Your Pathways to Success

  CUSCS HD in Health Care

''Pathways for health care students are far-reaching with the ever-increasing demand for nursing care professionals. Give a positive impact to the community and the world through professional health care training, clinical practice and experiential learning.''

Professor CHAN YIP Wing-han, Carmen
Assistant Dean (Postgraduate Education)
Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Endowed Professor of Nursing

Programme Information

Admission Requirements
Applicants should fulfill any one of the following requirements:
  • Level 2 in five subjects* in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination including Chinese Language# and English Language, or equivalent; or
  • Pass in one A Level or two AS Level subjects, plus five passes in HKCEE including Level 2/ Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language, or equivalent; or
  • Satisfactory completion of the Diploma Yi Jin or Diploma of Applied Education Programme; or
  • Aged 21 or above

If one of the five subjects is 'Citizenship and Social Development', the admission requirement will be "Attained" for 'Citizenship and Social Development'  and Level 2 in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language.

A maximum of two Applied Learning subjects, excluding Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)), can be used in the application. "Attained", "Attained with Distinction (I)" and "Attained with Distinction (II)" Level in Applied Learning subjects will be considered as equivalent to Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 in HKDSE subjects respectively.

Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)) will be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification for admission consideration for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) DSE candidates.

Note: Interview is required.

Programme Structure

This programme will be offered on a two-year full-time basis, and based on a credit unit system.

Programme Structure Details
Progression Path

Local Articulation

UGC-funded or self-funded Undergraduate Degree Programmes offered by local universities. In recent years, our graduates have been admitted to the following local bachelor degree programmes:

  • Bachelor of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Science in Gerontology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Science in Natural SciencesThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Bachelor of Health Education (Honours), The Education University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours), Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Bachelor of Nursing, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Nursing, Tung Wah College
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science, Tung Wah College
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours), Tung Wah College
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology, Tung Wah College

Study Overseas

Graduates may choose to articulate to overseas universities and progress to the following degree programmes (senior year entry):

Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Public Health (Year 2 entry)
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Year 2 entry)

Career Prospect
Apart from further studies, graduates can become personal care workers or assume other health care related positions in community settings.
General Information

Mode of Delivery

The programme will mainly be conducted in form of lectures, tutorials, laboratory practice and web-based learning. A variety of learning formats such as group discussions, presentations and projects will be used to facilitate the students' learning. Students will be arranged to be placed at nursing and residential homes for  200-hour clinical practicum.

Medium of Instruction

Lessons will be conducted in English and Cantonese as deemed appropriate. Learning materials will be in English and Chinese as deemed appropriate.

Assessment Methods

Performance of students is monitored and assessed on a continuous basis using a variety of assessment tools, such as projects, classroom participation, assignments, nursing care plan, clinical evaluations, skill tests and final examinations.

Class Schedule

In general, class will be conducted in the morning and afternoon of weekdays. Some classes may be scheduled in the early evenings of weekdays, Saturday morning and afternoon.

Class Location

CUSCS Learning Centres / Clinical Learning and Simulation Centre in The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK. Practicum will be conducted at community health care settings such as elderly centre, nursing homes, etc.

CEF Course Code and Course Name

CEF Course Code﹕41H122019
CEF Course Name﹕Higher Diploma in Health Care

Qualification Framework

This course is recognised under the Qualification Framework (QF)

QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 15/002807/L4
Registration Validity Period: 19/08/2015 To On-going


Tel: 2209 7703 / 2209 7709
Email: HD_TST@scs.cuhk.edu.hk

Tuition Fee

Local Applicants : $99,400 / per year

Non-local Applicants : $109,400 / per year

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