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Public Relations and Advertising

  • Integrate the knowledge of marketing and public relations/advertising to formulate promotion strategy
  • Develop students to be responsible professionals with integrity and team spirit
  • Offer invaluable internship opportunities to students for them to work in different types of organisations. Students can learn how to plan promotion activities more effectively with limited resources, from which they can practice how to effectively operate public relations and advertising projects and produce promotional strategies

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.  This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4).
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Programme Information

Admission Requirements
Applicants should fulfill any one of the following requirements:
  • Level 2 in five subjects* in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination including Chinese Language# and English Language, or equivalent; or
  • Pass in one A Level or two AS Level subjects, plus five passes in HKCEE including Level 2/ Grade E or above in Chinese Language and English Language, or equivalent; or
  • Satisfactory completion of the Diploma Yi Jin or Diploma of Applied Education Programme; or
  • Aged 21 or above

If one of the five subjects is 'Citizenship and Social Development', the admission requirement will be "Attained" for 'Citizenship and Social Development'  and Level 2 in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language.

A maximum of two Applied Learning subjects, excluding Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)), can be used in the application. "Attained", "Attained with Distinction (I)" and "Attained with Distinction (II)" Level in Applied Learning subjects will be considered as equivalent to Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 in HKDSE subjects respectively.

Applied Learning Chinese (ApL(C)) will be accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification for admission consideration for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) DSE candidates.

Note: Interview is required.

Programme Structure

This programme will be offered on a two-year full-time basis, and based on a credit unit system.

Programme Structure Details
Progression Path

Local Articulation

  1. In recent years, our graduates have been admitted to the following local bachelor degree programmes:
    • Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Bachelor of Social Science (Journalism and Communication), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University
    • Bachelor of Communication (Honours) - Public Relations and Advertising Major, Hong Kong Baptist University
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    • Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    • Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Politics, City University of Hong Kong
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies, Lingnan University
  2. Others:
    • Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in Festival and Event Management
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Marketing and Public Relations
    • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Marketing
    • Bachelor of Journalism and Communication
    • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Integrated Communication Management
    • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Media and Social Communication

Study Overseas

Arrangements have been established with a number of overseas institutions for graduates to articulate to their bachelor degree programmes in related disciplines:

Internship Programmes and Field Trips

We provide internship opportunities to equip students with the real-world working experience for future career development, it also enhances their skills for effective communication with different people and train their sense of responsibility.

Students involve in participating the first Hong Kong Electric Run 5k night race.
Students involve in participating the first Hong Kong Electric Run 5k night race.
General Information

Mode of Delivery

This is a taught programme and is delivered mainly by face-to-face instruction. Students are introduced to essential knowledge of the modules in the lectures. They are then given follow-up practice sessions where they will be able to develop their competence and skills. Some modules will be supplemented by on-line materials whenever appropriate.

Medium of Instruction

Teaching activities will be conducted in Chinese (Cantonese or Putonghua) and in English as deemed appropriate. Learning materials will be in Chinese and English as deemed appropriate

Assessment Methods

Students' performance is monitored and assessed on a continuous basis through a variety of assessment methods, such as projects, classroom participation, assignments, mid-term and final examinations.

To qualify for the award of the Higher Diploma in Public Relations and Advertising, a student must:

  • have an attendance rate of at least 70% of each module of the programme; and
  • have an overall pass for each module of the programme.

Class Location

CUSCS Learning Centres

CEF Course Code and Course Name

CEF Course Code﹕40H122059
CEF Course Name﹕Higher Diploma in Public Relations and Advertising

Qualification Framework

This course is recognised under the Qualification Framework (QF)

QF Level: 4
QR Registration No.: 08/001728/4
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2008 To On-going


Tel: 2209 7799

Tuition Fee

Local Applicants : $75,725 / per year

Non-local Applicants : $85,725/ per year

One of the features of Higher Diploma Programme in Public Relations and Advertising is to enable students to acquire essential knowledge and to put theories into practice through Project by immersing themselves in a real life situation at workplace. Students will work for various non-profit making organizations and come up with a series of promotion activities for them.

Students play an important role not only in activity preparation and planning, but also in organization on the day of event, such as promoting the event, decorating the venue, making pull-up banners, contacting media and working as emcees. This enables students to bring all their talent into action and to gain actual work experience. Students will be able to identify themselves through different positions in the task, which in turn helps them choose their route to further study or work in the future.

We provide different sharing sessions for students, and invite practitioners in the industry to introduce the latest development, trend, and employment prospect of the industry, so that students can recognize the market needs, which in turn helps them choose their route to further study or work in the future.

Photo Gallery

Practitioners in the industry introduced the latest development and trend of the field during the site visit at New Media Group
Practitioners in the industry introduced the latest development and trend of the field during the site visit at New Media Group
Practitioners in the industry introduced the latest development and trend of the field during the site visit at New Media Group
Practitioners in the industry introduced the latest development and trend of the field during the site visit at New Media Group
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Practitioners in the industry introduced the latest development and trend of the field during the site visit at New Media Group
Students participating in Public Relations events
Students participating in Public Relations events
Students participating in Public Relations events
Students participating in Public Relations events
Students participating in Public Relations events
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Students participating in Public Relations events
Students participating in different Public Relations and Advertising competitions
Students participating in different Public Relations and Advertising competitions
Students participating in different Public Relations and Advertising competitions
Students participating in different Public Relations and Advertising competitions
Students participating in different Public Relations and Advertising competitions
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Students participating in different Public Relations and Advertising competitions
